Why we use the word “Trainer”
When CrossRoads first began the people who taught teachers how to use Life at the CrossRoads at a Teachers Training were called “instructors” or “presenters.” As these two words were translated into different languages we discovered they most often were translated by the word for one who professionally spoke to an audience – lecturer or something similar. We quickly discovered that these words, instructor, presenter and lecturer were seriously counter-productive for what we wanted to accomplish through CrossRoads. We decided a few years ago that none of these words adequately communicates the role we want the person speaking for us to play. So, we decided to use the word, Trainer for the person who communicates for us. Following are the definitions of trainer and to train.
Trainer: a person or thing that trains.
To Train: to develop or form the habits, thoughts, or behavior of (a child or other person) by discipline and instruction; to make proficient by instruction and practice, as in some art, profession, or work; to make (a person) fit by proper exercise, diet, practice, etc., as for an athletic performance; to discipline and instruct (an animal), as in the performance of tasks or tricks; to treat or manipulate so as to bring into some desired form, position, direction, etc.
- A trainer is engaged with the audience.
- A trainer is successful when the audience is able to understand and do what the trainer communicates and expects.
- A trainer adapts his actions (teaching style) according to the audience.
- The content is appropriate for audience and designed to help those in training think and act in an expected way.
- A trainer is looking for heart, value, and behavioral change.
Within CrossRoads we want our trainers to be engaged with the teachers, associates and the community in such a way that the teachers are able to understand and communicate the CrossRoads values, beliefs, philosophy and content. A CrossRoads trainer is successful when teachers, students, parents, professionals, and community leaders understand how to have healthy relationships in the context of good character based in a relationship with Jesus – and they take action on that basis. Another measure of success for a CrossRoads Trainer is when the community understands CrossRoads and is willing to promote CrossRoads in a community
South African CrossRoads Trainers