School Visitation to Wilgehof Primary 14 May 2018

CrossRoads did a School Visitation. The teacher introduced us to her grade 7 class with the following words: “Class you are impossible, so I reported you to CrossRoads.” Sanei Botha greeted the learners with the words… “you are all good but don’t know it yet” The class burst out laughing…

August 2018 – 2400 learners, 54 teachers loads of challenges

“We had a special experience this week at a school that is deep in the township. 2400 learners, 54 teachers loads of challenges. In fighting, gangsters, unfinished school buildings…. We prayed with teachers and school pastors in the prayer room. Shared the Jesus film app with all of them. Roads are a challenge but we will press on, it is